Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why Guys & Girls Can't Be Friends

        For the Past two days in some of my classes we have been having the discussion on why guys and girls can't be friends... before I ask you what you think, I want you to know what my point of view is :) so here it goes:

How many of you have ever been really close with a guy and started to like him but didn't tell him because you were afraid it would ruin the friendship?       

The point is if a guy and girl are good friends chances are one of you will eventually catch feelings for each other! And that's what we call a one sided friendship if the feeling isn't mutual.. And if you do have a best guy friend right now how do you know he's never had a crush on you?! He's a guy! And even if he doesn't like you emotionally, there is ALWAYS going to be a physical attraction. If you asked him if he wanted to hook up with you I bet he would say yes, even if it didn't mean anything to him.I think it's really only different if you're older and married because you can have guy friends but would you talk to them everyday and hangout with them one on one? I hope not cause that's inappropriate for marriage, unless you wanted something more or whatever the deal is.

Now the next situation is how many of you have ever had a relationship and when you guys break up he says, "WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS?" Ugh those words just piss me off because how many times do they actually mean it?! I dated this guy for 8 months and he broke up with me and I was like heartbreakingly in love with him so of course I want him in my life at least as a friend than nothing at all right? So I tried talking to him but he wouldn't always text back and it soon came to where I just stopped trying and we didn't even make eye contact when we passed through the halls at school. Be friends my butt, you jerk! -.-

I think I made all my points here... So as I go eat and reminisce on that disappointing ending let me know what you guys think! And don't forget to share my blog andddd discuss the topics with your friends :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My First Attempt At a Blog! :)


Hello there! My name is Ashlee, with two "e's" :)

     So I wish I was funny and the best writer in the world, but unfortunately I'm not. I really just wanted to start a blog because I feel like I get more out when I write. I really want my blog to inspire people like myself and I hope to bring a smile to anyone who reads this. :)

    I have so many things I want to write about so I hope this gets better as I progress in my blogging. I seriously feel like I can share my feelings with people who might be going through the same thing as me. If you're someone who doesn't have a lot of friends or just likes to read people's blogs then I hope you like mine! It's always nice to know that someone is always going through the same thing you might be experiencing as well.

I have been through so much in my life and I turn 17 in two months. I've experienced heartbreak, teenage girl problems and pretty much anything you could think of! Except for hard core drug and thug life experiences haha. My life isn't THAT interesting.

However, I've always wanted to be a writer and help around the world like myself. So here it is. My new beginning and attempt at blogging! Hope I don't bore you guys to death or anything!

Oh and if you guys could give me ideas on what I should post about it would be much appreciated and helpful! Thanks <3